Road construcions
The Company provides comprehensive services for the construction, maintenance and repairs of roads and bridges. The Comany manufactures asphalt concrete in modern, automated and high quality asphalt mixing plants.
Our offer in the sector of the road construction includes:
- execution of road works and bridges,
- road modernizations,
- renovation and maintenance of all types of roads and their infrastructure,
- partial pavement renovations,
- production of bitumen under ELMOS’s label,
- winter maintenance of roads and streets,
- stone materials, concrete and asphalt concrete sales.
Excellent staff and specialized equipment are a guarantee of efficiency in work organisation, on-time completion of the contracts and the highest labour quality of projects. As a result, ELMO is a well-established company with great reputation among road administrators in Eastern Poland. Mikst Sp. z o.o. is our subsidiary specializing in road constructions.